Spiri, a hardworking child, aimed to become the champion in his community’s running competition. However, he was tempted by evil forces that transformed his mother into a cockchafer. Their collective faith was rewarded, as divine intervention responded to their pleas. This story highlights Spiri’s determination, the power of community, and the triumph of good over evil.

Spiri, ein fleißiges Kind, wollte der Champion im Laufwettbewerb seiner Gemeinde werden. Am Ende schaffte er es, aber wurde von bösen Mächten in Versuchung geführt, die seine Mutter in einen Maikäfer verwandelten. Ihr kollektiver Glaube wurde belohnt, als göttliches Eingreifen auf ihre Bitten reagierte. Diese Geschichte unterstreicht Spiris Entschlossenheit, die Kraft der Gemeinschaft und den Triumph des Guten über das Böse.

Beatrice, relying on her feminine intuition, acts very tactfully, with a lot of gentleness and diplomacy, trying to suggest to Roby that there can be no more than a friendly relationship between them. In his „madness of love”, Roby doesn’t want to understand and accepts absolutely no advice. He chooses to fight for his love and so to overcome his limits, but Roby puts the whole universe against him.

In his desire to speak to Beatrice, Roby imagines a female character, the girl of his heart, to whom he addresses forty-nine thoughts without veil. He cannot always express and convey exactly what he wants to say, he makes many mistakes, he quarrels even Beatrice with unfortunate combinations of words. Despite all the helplessness and suffering, exposed as realistically as possible, Roby only wants to thank her for the man he has become. Does he succeed in this?

ce citești vara asta?

„Primește-mi inima!”



La miezul nopții, Roby apare la ușa lui Cris, cel mai bun prieten al său, pentru a-i destăinui motivul pentru care dispăruse fără să dea vreo explicație. Obosit și îndurerat, tânărul își relatează călătoria către Beatrice, femeia care îi răpise inima, dar care nu-i împărtășea sentimentele. Roby dorise să-i ofere primul exemplar din prima sa carte scrisă pentru ea – inima sa.  Relatarea sa plină de candoare ne va destăinui cele mai intime straturi ale sufletului unui tânăr îndrăgostit. Ne vom regăsi în visele, temerile și speranțele sale. Vom medita alături de el atât asupra iubirii laice cât și a celei divine și asupra elementelor din viața noastră care gravitează inevitabil în jurul acestora. 

            Dar ce se va întâmpla în momentul în care Roby va ajunge la Beatrice? Cum va reacționa ea? Va reuși Roby, prin cartea lui, să ajungă la inima femeii iubite?

What people say?

The work is like a hymn dedicated to love …
Alexandru S.
Fr. Dr. theol.
I haven`t read a book with so much attention and concentration for a long time. I cried …
Emilia S.
Dr. Med.
Cris, I can't stop reading! It's magic! It's art! This is your talent! You have to write!
Silvia P.
Dr. Theol
You need a lot of love to share the beauty of your soul with others!


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The Author

Picture of Cristian Stănciulescu-Bârda

Cristian Stănciulescu-Bârda

I don't consider myself to be a writer but only a simple man who decided to put his ideas and thoughts down on paper.

